Fathers’ Day is coming up in just 2 weeks! This is the perfect opportunity to grab some bonding time with your children by engaging in some healthy parent-child activities. Here are some suggestions to spend that quality time!
1. Inline Skating ($21.40/pax)
Inline Funstart (IFS) is a 1-hour, single-session lesson to introduce total beginners to skating. It’s the perfect try-out to see if this is the sport for you, or to gauge your child’s interest in skating. In this lesson, you’ll learn the proper use of skates & safety gear, standing up and balancing safely on skates, breaking a fall and correct basic skating movement.
2. Clay Art Making ($48.15/pax)
Who can resist these cute minions? If you’re more of a homebody and prefer something indoors, this is the perfect activity for you and your children! Participants will learn the techniques of creating a 3-dimensional MINION in clay as shown in the pictures.
3. Junior Chef Cooking Class ($88.00/pax)
Let your child play in a unique culinary playground whipping up the best dishes for you! Bask in the conviviality of good company and conversation while your child rolls out pasta, grill meat, or flambé dessert. Have a burning question? Chef and his team are always around to help. Getting a little tired? Take a drink break at the bar. Now, don’t just take our word for it. Come and experience cooking the CULINARYON way yourself. The whole session takes approximately 3 hours for 3 dishes.
If you’d like more ideas about celebrating Fathers’ Day the healthy way, drop us a mail at info@fhi-online.com!