About Us

About Us


FHI is a Singapore-based Company that focuses on improving the overall wellness of people particularly in the workplaces. Established in 2001, we take pride in offering holistic wellness programs to enable people to improve their lifestyle.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower every individual to make informed choices for their
wellbeing by providing a supportive environment so as to achieve a better quality of life.

Our Vision

To help the world become healthier and happier

Our Values


Passion is what makes us committed to our belief to bring about healthier changes to your lifestyle.


We provide unbiased information and quality services because we value the trust that you place on us.


We customize our programs to suit your needs because we empathise with and understand the obstacles faced in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Team FHI

  • Phern Tan

    Chief Wellness Officer / Consultant, Corporate Wellness

    Phern started FHI with a simple vision to help people live different by having access to a variety of health and wellness information and activities.

    After graduating with a Masters in Exercise & Nutrition Science, Phern’s vast experience in health promotion allows her to offer advice for both MNCs and SMEs from various industries.

    A nature lover and avid runner, Phern finds her serenity by participating in numerous races and hikes up all sorts of nature terrains both local and overseas.

  • Lawrence Hee

    Director, Business Development / Consultant, Corporate Wellness

    Lawrence comes across as a financial expert than someone in the health and wellness industry. His role as a business consultant prior to joining FHI has given him many years of experience managing financial matters for companies.

    Lawrence is pivotal to FHI’s expansion beyond workplace health services through the effective use of information technology. His passion for food also led him to help FHI kick start Thyme Food & Services, a healthy food catering joint venture.

  • Jenny Goh

    Senior Nutritionist

    Jenny is one of the longest serving employees of FHI. As the senior nutritionist, she oversees all programs and activities with the slightest tint of association related to food.

    The official disciplinarian, Jenny keeps a tight hand in maintaining law and order in the office (sometimes outside of office as well). Jenny enjoys whipping up new healthier menus as part of her work and under her watchful eyes, colleagues are expected to finish up every last drop of these samples!

  • Orlene Lim


    Orlene is our other nutritionist who delivers healthy eating related talks and workshops as well as manages the Bodyhealth weight management program. She is a true blue gourmand who doesn’t allow anything to stand in her way of enjoying good food (yes, not even her profession!).

    However, Orlene strikes a balance by engaging in multiple physical activities with Zumba being her favourite form of exercise. She is also passionate about volunteering and participates in charity events as and when she can.

  • Alexandra Oh


    Alexandra or Alex for short is FHI’s non-conformist and whacky in-house psychologist. She takes charge of all mental wellness related activities. Happy-go-lucky by nature, Alex tends to make the most out of any negative or adverse situation and turn them into positive ones. This probably explains the countless smiles she gets from the participants of her talks and workshops.

    Alex is also known as the demolition specialist as she helps to diffuse difficult situations faced by callers to FHI’s counselling hotline. In her free time, Alex enjoys unconventional physical activities such as parkour (again, this explains why a lift breakdown doesn’t affect her ability to reach her destination)

  • Benson Soh


    Benson is a veteran when counseling and social work is involved. Backed with more than 25 years of experience, Benson takes it in his personal stride to make the world a better place for everyone. As a certified counsellor, Benson delivers our mental wellness talks and workshops as well.

    In addition, Benson co-manages our counselling hotline. Benson believes that life will be better when one can comprise and take a step back to view things (with the exception of good food!).

    Benson enjoys travelling in search of good food with his beloved spouse and friends in his free time.

  • Dorothy Chia

    Quit Smoking Consultant / Program Coordinator

    Dorothy is the smoking cessation specialist of FHI. Most of the time, Dorothy prefers the subtle way of counseling and showcases the art of persuasion to participants of her smoking cessation program. If all else fails, Dorothy’s fantasy is to tie up the participants and implement the cold turkey treatment.

    Dorothy is also the master coordinator for all the targeted intervention programs. Dorothy hones her effective communications skills by the constant debate sessions with her teenage daughter (this may explain why she hardly loses any ground whenever she talk to her fellow colleagues!)

  • Yong Shou Pin

    Manager, Special Projects / Consultant, Corporate Wellness

    Yong (somehow Shou Pin sounds too feminine) as he prefers to be known, uncovers new business opportunities in FHI. His previous job opportunities of managing human relationships led him to develop a unique story telling trait.

    He is the official uncle of the office and has an impeccable insomnia cure with his history lessons and storytelling time. Yong is also the Data Protection Officer responsible in ensuring all the sensitive data is kept safe.

    Yong also enjoys trekking in nature places both overseas and in Singapore in his free time.