FHI Blog

3 Healthy Parent-Child Activities

Author: admin Date: Jun 01, 2017

Fathers’ Day is coming up in just 2 weeks! This is the perfect opportunity to grab some bonding time with your children by engaging in some healthy parent-child activities. Here are some suggestions to spend that quality time! 1. Inline Skating ($21.40/pax) Inline Funstart (IFS) is a 1-hour, single-session lesson to introduce total beginners to skating. […]


Hypertension and Mental Health

Author: admin Date: May 16, 2017

What is Hypertension and what causes it? Hypertension means that you have too much pressure in your blood vessels which can damage your blood vessels and lead to other health problems. Do you know anybody around you who has hypertension? The answer is likely yes, as hypertension (or high blood pressure) is a fairly common […]


Healthier Mums, Happier Families

Author: admin Date: May 12, 2017

When was the last time you went to the gym yourself, cooked a nutritionally balanced meal or went for a workshop on a topic that you love? If the answer is within the last week, that’s a great sign! If not, it might be time to start thinking about how you can make sure some […]

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